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wireless notice board: publish notices by sending an sms.

wireless notice board: publish notices by sending an sms. Wireless notice board  is very selective term for this project, as it has a very wide scope rather than just being a simple notice board. First we should understand the purpose of this project, in this system we can display a message or notice to some display device like LCD, and this message can be easily set or changed from anywhere in the world, just by using the  SMS facility  of your mobile handset. Whatever notice we want to display, just send the SMS of that text, with some prefix and suffix. This is very useful in Hotels, Malls, college, offices and can be used anywhere, even at home. Like you can set the message like “Do not disturb” at your hotel’s room gate, can set message at your home’s door step when you are away, and of course it is used as notice board in schools, colleges, cinema halls etc. And yes, it’s just not a simple Message board, the usefulness of this project is that you can set or change the mess

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